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Toward Creativity: A Podcast

Hello everyone!

This week I ran an experiment. I was feeling uneasy about the podcast title, "The Disciplined Life". I asked folks on Instagram and Facebook on their feelings about it. Some were enthused! Most were not.

My lane and jam is creativity. I am a musician. And, if I am to do a podcast to delve deeper into my world of music and art and creativity and innovation - I needed to focus in on creativity.

I offered three options to folks. All but one was not already used. And, suggestions by precious friends were also copyrighted.

Until! My dear friend, mentor and teacher, Bradford Gowen, showed up. He suggested, "Toward Creativity". Love it! This was in response to my idea of a title: "Creative Expeditions". Travel agency, anyone?

Here are a couple of things I want to accomplish in this podcast:

  1. Relieve my family and students from sharing all of my crazy ideas and put them into the podcast!

  2. Help creatives, students and musicians think through the 21st century business world in relation to their craft. In other words, I want to help folks build sustainable, creative careers.

  3. Explore the various disciplines that are associated with creativity and the arts. I want to tease out the routines and strategies and practices of creatives and share them with you.

  4. I want to grow personally in interacting with creatives and having regular conversations, I think, will facilitate that growth.

So friends - be on the lookout for this podcast being released in the next week or so.

Can't wait.

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